The mission is visiting CERN between the 28th and
30th of June 2004. It will provide three days of detailed interaction
between the mission participants and CERN staff. The mission to CERN on
Distributed IT Applications is sponsored by the UK Department of Trade
and Industry’s Global Watch Service. |
Excerpt from Mission Introductory
document " The aim of this mission is to study
techniques for developing distributed systems over homogeneous and
heterogeneous computing resources and to look at specific examples of
applications implemented using such computational clusters. Grid
technology developed at CERN is already being used for particle physics
and healthcare applications. CERN is a
resource and the UK could benefit from the technology advances that have
only been possible as a result of CERN’s scale and multinational
membership. Mission participants will have the opportunity to gain an
understanding of both the reasons for these technology developments at
CERN and how they could be exploited within their own sectors in the UK.
The UK is now regarded as ready to adopt GRID technologies and CERN is
the foremost application developer in this field."
Mission delegates with IT and SG/ETT
Final DTI report |
Short Report from CERN after meeting |
Web version |
Programme |
Full programme
Version here) |
Presentations |
Presentations by CERN speakers are accessible from the
CERN Agenda Manager |
Participants |
List of CERN
participants (with function, email) |
List of UK-DTI
delegates (with title, organization, contact
data) |
Profile of
delegates (PDF file) |
Useful Links |
Major relevant
links to CERN resources |
Excerpt from Mission Introductory
Global Watch Missions are visits overseas by small groups of technical
experts from UK companies and academia to top-performing technology
organisations characterised by excellence in the relevant field. Planned
and managed by a UK coordinating organisation, with guidance and
financial support from the DTI’s Global Watch Missions team, missions
to inform and influence hightech UK industries in four broad fields:
electronics and Information & Communication Technology (ICT), life
sciences, performance engineering and energy and the environment. The
findings are compiled into a report by the mission participants, which
is made available. It is expected that the mission will facilitate a
two-way exchange of information and will enhance the potential for
co-operation between UK and international organisations."
Nathan Hill, Mission Organizer and
Maximilian Metzger, CERN Secretary General |