In 1999, CERN Delegations approved a new, more pro-active
Technology Transfer (TT) policy, mainly focusing on protection and active
transfer of CERN Technology to Member State industry.
In 2002 the pro-active TT policy was confirmed and
enhanced to include active transfer, in particular through partnerships
activities, not only to industry but to institutions operating in the field
of HEP well as in other areas.
A management and coordination structure was set up
including the appointment of a Director in charge of Technology Transfer,
the creation of a CERN-wide advisory body - the TAB, TT Advisory
Board, the setting up of a network of contacts in every member state
- called the External TT Network, the creation of the Departmental
TT Officer (DTTO) function - collectively forming what is called
the Internal TT network, the establishment of a TT group.
A paper on Technology Transfer progress and plans is
presented every year to the CERN Finance Committee, usually at the March
Constructed from information available from CERN ETT site. For more, see the
CERN TT site.